The top-of-the-line model in the P Series, featuring authentic piano quality and functionality that will satisfy even experienced pianists
P-525 är flaggskeppsmodellen i den världsberömda Yamaha P-serien av kompakta digitalpianon, och erbjuder autentisk känsla, utsökt ljud och ytterligare förbättrade klaviaturstämmor.
Pianostämmorna är två världsklassiga konsertflyglar: Yamaha CFX och Bösendorfer Imperial.
Dess högtalarutgång och variationen och kvaliteten på dess stämmor, inklusive orglar och elpianon, är avsevärt förbättrade från dess föregångare, P-515.
Träklaviaturen – högt uppskattad för sin känsla – har uppgraderats från NWX-klaviaturen till 88-tangenters GrandTouch-S™ klaviaturen. Detta ger spelupplevelsen ännu närmare känslan av en flygel.
Med Registreringsminnesfunktionen för att spara och återkalla inställningar och andra användbara och praktiska funktioner för intima liveframträdanden, är P-525 också välutrustad för att fungera som ett scenpiano.
We recommend this model for:
- People who want the highest-quality portable pianos
- People who want to perform (solo or with a band) as well as play at home
- People who want a second piano
The GrandTouch-S keyboard offers a realistic playing feel
The P-525 features the highly playable GrandTouch-S keyboard, which also equips Yamaha’s top-flight Clavinova digital pianos. The feel of the keys is as close as it gets to the touch of a grand piano.
The GrandTouch-S keyboard also faithfully simulate tonal variation from subtle differences in how hard, quickly, and heavily they are played, affording grand piano-like variety and richness of tone. The keys are made of solid wood, and the laminated structure makes them resistant to warping and exceptionally durable.

Simulating the sound of two world-class concert grand pianos in a compact body
The P-525 is equipped with Yamaha CFX and Bösendorfer Imperial Voices. The CFX is characterized by a sparkling treble and powerful bass, while the Imperial has a warm sound known as the Viennese tone.
Despite its compact size, the P-525 offers a full taste of the distinct qualities of these two great pianos.

Play realistic renditions of classic songs of yesteryear
The P-525 features improved organ, electric piano, and other keyed instrument Voices.
The engineers who achieved these improvements are experts in the sound of electric organs and electric pianos and the musical culture associated with them. Their efforts to create faithful, high-quality simulations of familiar sounds—the attack of an organ and the distinctive sound of its Leslie speakers, the reverb, distortion, and other sound effects of the electric pianos that defined 70s and 80s pop music—result in realistic, immersive experiences that make you feel like you are actually playing those instruments.

Equipped with convenient features for live performances
The P-525 features the Registration Memory function for saving and recalling settings, which is useful and convenient for intimate live performances in cafés, bars, and other small venues. You can program all the Voices and Rhythms in the comfort of home and call them up at the venue when you are ready to play. It is also easy to switch between Voices in the middle of songs.
Other features include Sound Boost and adjustable EQ to ensure that the piano can be heard when playing with other instruments in a band.

Other features
Dimensions & Connectivity

Voice Introduction Video
Please enjoy this demonstration performance using electric pianos, organs, and other Voices created specifically for the P-525.
Audio Demo
CFX Grand
Studio Grand
Stage E. Piano
DX E. Piano
Vintage E. Piano
Jazz Organ 1
Rock Organ
Organ Principal
Organ Tutti
Harpsichord 8'
E. Clavichord
Dark Pad
Acoustic Bass
Electric Bass
Fretless Bass
Nylon Guitar
Det mest avancerade bärbara digitalpianot i P-serien. Denna modell har träklaviatur, CFX- och Bösendorfer-stämmor, och erbjuder kapaciteterna hos ett autentiskt piano i en sofistikerad design, perfekt för att spela hemma eller i små liveframträdanden. Kompatibel med den valfria LP-1/FC35 trepedalsenheten.
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