Unified Communications

Ljud- och videokonferenslösningar från Yamaha effektiviserar samarbetet och ökar produktiviteten varhelst människor behöver prata öppet, dela fritt och skapa exceptionella saker. Yamahas genomtänkta tillvägagångssätt för att bygga 'enterprise grade' mikrofonsystem, konferenstelefoner och videoljudpaneler säkerställer exceptionell ljudkvalitet, enkel anslutning och flexibilitet för möten över hela bordet eller över hela världen. Trådbundna och trådlösa alternativ kompletterar dagens nyanserade och hektiska affärssystem. Med grundprinciper av enkelhet, klarhet och effektivitet, tillför Yamaha till enhetlig kommunikation och en passion för ljud och prestanda som har skapat spänning och inspiration i mer än 130 år.

Sync-Beat Success - Unique Concert Celebrates 70 Years Of Yamaha Music School

In May 2024, Yamaha Music School celebrated its 70th anniversary with a unique concert at the Yamaha Music Hall in Ginza, Tokyo. Bringing together renowned Japanese pop/rock duo Sukima Switch and pre-recorded performances by 330 amateur musicians, the Yamaha Music School x Sukima Switch Sync-Beat Concert was made possible by the immersive sound of a Yamaha Active Field Control (AFC) system.

Yamaha announces the launch of “Audioversity Online” for Pro Audio Training

Yamaha is pleased to announce a new training platform for the professional audio market: Audioversity Online.

CS-800 / CS-500 Firmware V1.3.2 Released

This firmware release provides bug fixes to resolve the issue when switching between cameras, where audio passthrough may sometimes contradict the mute LED (i.e. audio may pass when LED shows RED/Muted, also audio may not pass when device appears unmuted)

ADECIA Firmware V2.5.1 Released

This firmware fixed some bugs. For RM-WAP, there are issues related to AEC that affect the far end of the call, and also issues that may behave differently when muted or unmuted. For RM-CR, fixed an issue with control set commands.

Supreme Nashville Sound – RIVAGE PM Mixes Country Music Radio’s Big Annual Event

Nashville's annual Country Radio Seminar brings together a wide range of country music artists and industry leaders for three days of performances, seminars, meetings and more. For 20 years CTS AVL has been the event’s audio partner, relying on Yamaha digital mixing consoles to deliver stellar performances from the latest new talent to the industry’s biggest stars.