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Extra Contents
DTX950K/900K/DTXTREME III Extra Content 1 - Jazz Kit
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This kit is a standard small maple kit with an open 18” bass drum, 12” rack tom, 14” and 16” floor toms and a 14x5” loosely tuned snare. The cymbals are larger, thinner and lower in pitch and all can be crashed and ridden on. The SubKick channel is less noticeable on this kit as the bass drum is so resonant to begin with but it is still there.
As this is a “1 up, 2 down” configuration, tom 2 triggers an 18” flat ride which can be crashed on the edge.
- Jazz Maple. Standard kit.
- Jazz MapleHi. Tuned up so it sounds just like a Hip Gig kit.
- Jazz MapleLo. Tuned down and great for a ‘loopy’ feel.
- Jazz MaplePA. PA mix with quieter cymbals and hi hat and narrower panning.
DTX950K/900K/DTXTREME III Extra Content 2 - Rock Kit
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This rock kit has been made from Beech Custom Absolute drum sounds in conventional sizes - 22” bass drum, 10” and 12” toms, 14” and 16” floor toms with a 14x6.5” snare. The cymbals are heavier but still bright. Pulling down the Misc/Sub kick fader tightens the bass drum up to a well dampened thump.
- Rock Single. Standard kit.
- RockSingleHi. Tuned up.
- RockSingleLo. Tuned down.
- Rock Double. Double pedal version
- RockDoubleHi. Tuned up double pedal version.
- RockDoubleLo. Tuned down double pedal version.
- RockTuning 1. Bass drum and hi hat tuned down, snare and toms tuned up.
- RockTuning 2. Bass drum and hi hat tuned up, snare and toms tuned down.
- RockSnglClik. Single bass drum but with clickier sound.
- RockDbleClik. Double bass drums with clickier sound.
- RockSinglePA. Single bass drum PA mix with quieter cymbals and hi hat and narrower panning.
- RockSnglLoRv. Lower tuning with medium reverb.
- RockSingleRv. Standard tuning with reverb.
DTX950K/900K/DTXTREME III Extra Content 3-1 - Electronic Kit (Classic Electro)
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Classic electronic drum machine samples with a few options and internal effect settings to cover different needs.
- ClsscElectro. Standard set.
- ClsscElctro2. This version has no dynamic so it plays at maximum volume regardless of how hard you play. Perfect if you want to sound like a drum machine.
- ClsscElctro3. With reverb.
- ClsscElctro4. With gated reverb.
- ClsscElctro5. Compressed and distorted.
- ClsscElctro6. Tempo based flanging.
- ClsscElctro7. Stereo phaser.
- ClsscElctro8. Tempo Delay. The click, which has been programmed to come through the headphones, is set to 100bpm and the delay is set to play dotted 8th notes.
- ClsscElctro9. Auto synth effect.
DTX950K/900K/DTXTREME III Extra Content 3-2 - Electronic Kit (Classic RX)
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This is a combination of the classic Yamaha RX drum machine from the '80's. It's got that classic sound to it which fits into many music genres when you don't want to use acoustic sounds.
- Classic RX 1. Standard set.
- Classic RX 2. This is a very special version that you need to use the click for. By using the special functions of the DTX900, when you play the bass drum on beat 1 of a bar, you will get four-sixteenth notes. However, this will only happen once per bar, so you can play what ever you want on the rest of the bar. The click is set to 120bpm and is set to come out of the headphones only.
- Classic RX 3. With a high frequency enhancer effect.
DTX950K/900K/DTXTREME III Extra Content 3-3 - Electronic Kit (Drum'n'Bass)
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- Something more aggressive and ‘in your face’. The click is set to 170bpm and set to come through the headphones. There is lots of layering of various pads so here is a run down of things to look out for.
- Bass drum pad - electronic kick sound layered with a loop, but the loop will only play if it isn't already running. Play whatever you want on the bass drum and you will have a loop playing behind it.
- Snare pad - 3 different snare sounds.
- Tom pad 1 - one loop on head, a filtered version on rim 1 and a reversed cymbal on rim 2.
- Tom pad 2 - one loop on head, the loop layered with a bass note on rim 1 and a snare fill on rim 2.
- Tom pad 3 - Main synth riff on head, a sub on rim 1 and a filtered effect on rim 2
- Tom pad 4 - Heavy bass note on the head, a filtered bass on rim 1 and a filter sweep on rim 2.
- Ride pad - Tambourine on the bow with a delayed sweep on the edge.
DTX950K/900K/DTXTREME III Extra Content 3-4 - Electronic Kit (HipHop 90bpm)
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- Again, something a little more aggressive. The click is set to 90bpm and is set to only come from the headphone output. This kit also has layered sounds and parts, so these are what to look out for.
Bass drum pad - this has three layered sounds. First there is the bass drum sound. This is layered with vinyl crackle. Lastly there is a bass note. This works off the bass drum sound and is a five note repeating pattern. The bass sound plays every first, third and fifth bass drum note.
- Snare pad - snare and clap sounds
- Tom pad 1 - the head has a different clap sound, rim 1 is the main orchestral stab riff and rim 2 is a delayed hit.
- Tom pad 2 - the head plays two held string notes and rim 1 plays a delayed bass
- Tom pad 3 - the head plays a low string note and rim 1 has a sub sound
- Tom pad 4 - the head has a bass note with rim 1 having a delay bass note
- Ride pad - the bell has a clap sound, the bow has a shaker sound and the edge has a gunshot
DTX950K/900K/DTXTREME III Extra Content 3-5 - Electronic Kit (House 128bpm)
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- Classic house kit which uses the most common electronic kick snare and hats. The heads of the four toms trigger 4 different loops which are all at 128bpm, the same tempo as the click which is only assigned to the headphone output. These are all on the same Alt Group so they cut each other off. Crash 2 has a bass drum and cymbal crash on it which is also on the same Alt Group so hitting Crash 2 stops any loop that is playing. Rim 1 of all the tom pads has a synth tom on it. The ride has a synth delay on the bell, a shaker on the bow and a sweep on the edge.
DTX950K/900K/DTXTREME III Extra Content 4 - Vintage Kit
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This Vintage Kit has been programmed to sound like an original Yamaha 9000 kit with black lacquered shell interiors and rounded bearing edges. The original samples are of Birch Custom Absolute drums, but with careful EQ and tuning they now have the sound of a 24” bass drum, 13”, 14” rack toms and 16” and 18” floor toms. This is a very mellow, low sounding kit, with large, thin cymbals. The Misc fader also adjusts the volume of a hi hat mounted tambourine, which is most noticeable when pedalling the hi hat, as well as the Sub Kick.
- Vintage. Standard kit
- Vintage Tight. Tuned up for a tighter sound.
- Vintage Lo. Really low and loose.
- VintageTune4. Tuned down bass drum and hats. Tuned up snare, toms and cymbals.
- VintageTune5. Tuned down snare with tuned up bass drum and hats.
- Vintage PA. PA mix with quieter cymbals and hi hat and narrower panning.
DTX950K/900K/DTXTREME III Extra Content 5 - Oak X Kit
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The Oak X kits are a limited edition European market only kit in special sizes. Using the oak samples we have 10x6”, 12x7”, 14x13” and 16x15” toms with a 22x20” bass drum. This is the brightest sounding kit with brighter cymbal sound to go with it.
- Oak X Single. Standard kit.
- Oak X Tight. Tuned up.
- Oak X Loose. Tuned down.
- MetalXClick1. Single pedal with clickier bass drum.
- MetalXClick2. Double pedal version with clickier bass drums.
- OakXSinglePA. Single bass drum PA mix with quieter cymbals and hi hat and narrower panning.