CD-S2100 Utgången
Left-right symmetrical construction, independent digital/analogue circuit configuration, with top priority on sound quality
The CD-S2100 has completely symmetrical construction: the rotating loader mechanism is in the centre, the digital power supply and circuit board are on the left side, and the analogue power supply and circuit board are on the right. Completely isolating the digital unit and the analogue unit eliminates detrimental impacts of interference between the circuits, while achieving ideal weight balance. The centre frame that extends from the front to the back of the body and the front panel made of 5mm (1/4”) thick aluminium increases rigidity of the entire chassis and ensures stable disk play.

Digital/analogue circuitry with integrated power supplies and screw type connections eliminate signal transmission loss
The internal design of the CD-S2100 does not separate the power supply circuit boards, which include the power transformer; the block capacitors are mounted directly on the respective digital/analogue circuit boards. Thus, an original board configuration which integrates the power supply circuits was adopted. Eliminating cabling from the power supply circuits to each circuit board and mounting directly have the benefit of reducing connection loss, as well as achieving low impedance. Moreover, cabling from the power transformer utilises the same screw-type connections we’ve given the companion A-S2100 Integrated Amplifier. Connecting directly without soldering achieves thorough contact point loss and low impedance. Signal is transmitted to the amp without loss of any information that has been read, delivering sound reproduction filled with a sense of energy and crisp openness—the over-arching aim of the S2100 Series.

Enstegs konfiguration och I/V konvertering

CD-S3000 har en innovativ krets konfiguration för den analoga kretsen. Signalen från D / A-omvandlaren som matas ut som en analog signal genom en I / V-omvandlingskrets konfigureras i normala fall i flera steg. Men i CD-S3000, matas signalen ut genom en enstegs konfiguration baserad på en diskret konstruktion av I / V-omvandlingskretsen. Denna enstegs konfiguration med hög ”slew-rate” sänker kraftigt ljudsignalens förlust jämfört med en konventionell krets. En annan fördel är att den sänker NFB (negativ feedback), vilket eliminerar eventuella försämringar av ljudet. Kretsarna efter D / A-omvandlaren utför balanserad transmission med symmetriska plus och minus sidor. Genom att använda balanserad överföring tillsammans med A-S3000 du på så vis njuta djupt rent ljud utan någon påverkan av överföringsförluster.
Independent power supplies with complete separation of digital and analogue

The CD-S2100 has adopted a twin power supply transformer method, complete with separate, dedicated power supply transformers for the digital and analogue circuits. Isolating the digital and analogue circuits starting at the transformer step eliminates sound quality deterioration caused by interference and noise between the digital and analogue units—a problem that occurs when they share the same power supply. This results in exceptionally clear, low-noise reproduction of analogue audio. Moreover, the power supply transformer for the analogue circuit is a toroidal transformer that provides stable power supply with low magnetic flux leakage, and the winding, stabilised power supply circuit is completely isolated on the left and right sides. This achieves superior separation—a particularly important point in Hi-Fi audio.
High precision CD drive for greater vibration resistance and high-precision signal reading
The CD-S2100 is equipped with the same drive mechanism as the Yamaha flagship model CD-S3000, in order to perform high-precision reading of the vast quantity of audio data recorded on a disk. And the loader mechanism is connected firmly to the chassis by installing heavy, specially specially bent 1.6mm (1/16”) thick iron reinforcing anchors in front of and behind the loader mechanism, eliminating the transmission of vibration caused by disk rotation to the circuit board. In the process of assembling the CD-S2100, after the drive mechanism has been attached to the chassis, horizontal fine adjustment of each anchor is performed carefully. While this is troublesome, it shows Yamaha’s commitment to providing the ultimate in precise signal reading. By eliminating even the slightest tilting of the mechanism, this achieves stabilised rotation and ultra-precise reading. Reducing the load of the servo that drives the pickup and lowering the impact of change of servo amperage on the signal, achieves clean signal read out with little impact of noise—drawing out every little nuance the artist has recorded.

Stabil CD släde i aluminium

CD-facket är tillverkat av aluminium för minska sekundära vibrationer från motorn som roterar skivan. Det resulterar i en bättre ljudsignal och en tystare drift. Förutom den smarta och snygga designen och den lyxiga känslan, har vi finjusterat öppning / stängning för att uppnå en jämnare och mjukare drift. Den lyxiga känslan matchar den överlägsna ljudkvaliteten.
32-bits D / A-omvandlare med exceptionellt hög prestanda

D / A-omvandlare i CD-S3000 är ES9018 från ESS Technology, Inc. Vi valde denna efter noggranna tester på alla punkter. Dess förmåga att att hantera stora mängder av ljuddata, kraften i det låga registret och högkvalitativ definition i det höga registret var egenskaper som fällde avgörandet. Eftersom det är konstruerat med inbyggd klocka i D / A-omvandlaren, har det också har en funktion för reducering av Jitter, dvs. det ger en D / A-omvandling med extremt låg effekt klockjitter. D / A-omvandlaren har åtta kanaler inrymt inuti chipet, och tillämpar dubbla differentiell drift med 4-kanals D / A-omvandlare på respektive höger och vänster sida. Det ger exceptionellt hög prestanda med överlägset signal brusförhållande, eftersom den använder en analog signalbehandlingskrets med balanserad konfiguration.
Built-in USB DAC functions, and ASIO 2.3 Yamaha Steinberg USB Driver

For optimum enjoyment of today’s high-resolution audio sources, we designed the CD-S2100 with superior D/A conversion and balanced signal output, and equipped it with a built-in USB DAC function which allows direct input of digital audio (from a computer, etc.). The USB DAC employs an original IC, developed specifically for Yamaha. It has an internal master clock, and can perform low-jitter transmission. The CD-S2100 supports the ASIO 2.3 protocol to take full advantage of the sound quality of the USB DAC function. The ASIO 2.3 protocol is a standard protocol for professional use digital audio or DTM, with a significant sound quality benefit: the ability to achieve lower delay and higher throughput than with a standard OS sound driver. The driver software is the ASIO 2.3 Yamaha Steinberg USB Driver*, and allows high quality playback of digital audio data stored to computer. The unit is compatible with digital audio of up to 192kHz/24-bit resolution and supports DSD native playback.
*The software is available as a free download from the Yamaha web site.
Isolatorer för användning av spikes eller dämpkuddar
Isolatorer är viktiga för att blockera för yttre vibrationer. Yamahas original fötter av metall maximerar vibrationskontrollen. För att ytterligare förbättra kan du montera medföljande ”spikes” eller dämpkuddar på fötterna.

Beautiful, sleek design and half-mirror display

Inside and out, the CD-S2100 fully demonstrates Yamaha’s commitment to fine craftsmanship, and its long history as a premier maker of musical instruments. In the connections between the front panel and the side wood, masterful use of advanced processing technology beautifully integrates different materials, metal and wood. On the CD tray, the gap between the front panel and the tray is uniformly precise. The display unit is of half-mirror design, with track information beautifully displayed during CD playback, and at the same time, when the power supply is off, it harmonises beautifully with the aluminium hair-line finish of the front panel.
Fjärrkontroll med enkel design och bra känsla
Fjärrkontrollen är utformad på samma sätt som frontpanelen i aluminium. Enkel och logisk med en härlig kvalitetskänsla. Förutom de grundläggande funktionerna för CD som låtval kan den också användas för att justera volymen och växla ingångskällor på A-S3000.