Yamaha scholarships help the next generation take centre stage - Yamaha - Sverige

Yamaha scholarships help the next generation take centre stage

Founded in 1989, the acclaimed pan-European Yamaha Music Scholarship scheme now operates in thirty-one European countries and has provided over 850 scholarships worth over one million Euros.

Many Yamaha scholars have progressed to develop outstanding careers in performance and education. Alumni include saxophonist Amy Dickson, euphonium player David Childs, and pianists Eduard Kunz and Sasha Grynyuk.

The Yamaha Music Foundation of Europe is a non-profit-making charity dedicated to supporting talented music students. It provides valuable performance platforms for emerging musicians.

Each year the Yamaha Scholarship programme takes applications from full-time music students under 25 years of age who are studying at a music academy or conservatoire. Scholarships vary from 1,000 – 2,000 Euros depending on geographical location, and the financial assistance may be used for any purpose related to the advancement of studies. The rewarded discipline rotates each year.

The Yamaha Music Foundation of Europe provides a perfect opportunity for talented musicians to prove themselves, receive professional feedback and, if awarded, to benefit from financial support. Yamaha invites all music students to participate and, in so doing, provides an oportunity that could be the starting point to a promising career.