Boštjan Dimnik

With a network of Artist Centres and Ateliers around the world, Yamaha works with leading players to support their performances and develop instrument designs and new ideas for the benefit of all musicians. Yamaha Artists share with us a passion for inspiring the next generation of players, and a belief that everybody should be encouraged to nurture their talent, connect with others and tell their stories through music.
Get to know Yamaha artist and clarinet player Boštjan Dimnik
Statement about your relationwith Yamaha or your instrument:
Yamaha understands the demands of today's modern clarinet playing, allowing the artist to express and deliver musical material much more freely. The YCL CSG III L allows me to be flexible quickly, as I play in a variety of ensembles with very different styles.
How does your instrument help you in your daily life as an artist?
I decided to buy the Yamaha YCL CSG III L clarinets after a year of testing, because for me the decision was studio recording, where I could realise much more detail with this model, and therefore spend less energy and consequently more satisfaction in the creation of a new CD. It is important for me to be able to express myself without limitations and to feel that my new set supports and potentiates me.
How would you characteriseyour instrument?
Given that the YCL CSG III L has a German character, it is clear that the instrument offers excellent focus (centre of tone), a balanced and even register, a large colour palette, excellent intonation, technical reliability and Japanese innovation and, for me, an essential ease of expression.
Who was your most influential teacher and is there any advice which you still follow?
In my musical career I had many excellent teachers Prof. Igor Karlin, Prof. Alojz Zupan, would be difficult to single out just one, but perhaps the Dutch conductor, clarinettist Jan Cober, who opened up many musical and life aspects for me.......maybe just one quote I remembered as his student "music is behind the notes"
Advice for a young musician
Be patient, motivated and focused on your goal, you only get the chance once!